Monday, December 28, 2009
Taxi - 1998 * * *

Formula 1 has hit the city.
My fiance recommended this movie to me and I must say it was a pretty enjoyable experience. It was very short and that certainly helped you not feel like it was dragging like some movies do. I didn't honestly really understand the story, but I thought the race scenes were fantastic. In short, the movie was basically a french Fast and Furious. I notice it was directed by Luc Besson who did La Femme Nikita which is on my list of 'to see' films, but I'm not quite sure if it really pushed me towards watching it or put me off.
A Royal Scandal - 1945 * *

Saucy and naughty
I am a wide collector and obsessor of old movies, and will be quick to jump in and defend them when anyone puts them down. This film however was dated. It hasn't aged well, and the jokes seem pointless and very unfunny now. I rarely feel this way about an old movie, and like the fact that the film is old, but there is a difference in watching a film that has been able to carry itself and it's story well through the years, and one that feels almost stuck in a time warp. That is what I felt with this one. Tallulah Bankhead was unforgettable however and I think that if she hadn't been in it this movie would have fallen flat on it's face. She has an amazing screen presence and I don't think anyone has ever been able to match her.
I wouldn't recommend this, it's neither funny enough, nor strong enough to contend as a good film.
Karla - 2006 * * * 1/2

I have a very morbid streak in that I'm interested in all types of murders. I have always been amazed at the pure evil and depravity of the 'Ken and Barbie Killers' - Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. There was speculation as there always is in killing partnerships that one killer influenced the other into commiting the crimes. By now we know that Karla was a willing participent in the murder of her sister, believing that if she did so she would gain Paul's eternal love. In fact she was willing to do anything to win his approval, even if it meant watching him rape girls in front of her and then murder them. Karla may not have commited as many murders as Paul, but she still had the ability to, and she was no less of a monster than he was. Letting someone kill somebody else is almost as bad as commiting the crime.
I really thought this movie was brilliantly acted, but there were parts that weren't truthful. Karla is portrayed in this film as a weak and pathetic excuse for a woman who clung on desperately to Paul regardless of how many times he insulted her or battered her. In reality Karla was a manipulative and vile woman who stood by and joined in while her husband performed vile acts on women - evn after being released she never once apologised to the parents of the victims. This movie did not stick to the real story but was still very captivating.
The Changeling - 1980 * * * *

An experience beyond fear.
I'd put off watching this movie for a long time. I've seen pretty much all the films that are known as 'really haunting' expect for The Innocents and didn't want the experience of seeing this to be over too quickly. However after watching it I was thinking about it or days afterwards and can honestly say that it frightened the daylights out of me. George C. Scott was brilliant in his role as the sad and lonely composer who moves into a large, old house after a fatal accident involving his wife and child. Soon he realises that he is not alone in the house and that something will not let him rest until it has made itself known.
I specifically waited until Christmas time to watch this to give myself an extra thrill and was shivering with nerves by the end.
Contrary to popular beliefs there are some similarities with the recent 'Changeling' (2008) although that is based on a true story.
I'm relieved I've watched this now and do think it is one of the scarier movies that I have seen in recent times. I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to be scared and appreciates a film with no violence (except malevolent spirits) and sex.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Dreamers - 2003 * * * *

All dreamers must eventually wake.
I put off reviewing this movie for quite some time because I honestly don't know what to say about it and I still find I am slightly lost for words. The acting is superb but the story is just like nothing I have ever seen before in my life. The film revolves around an American student who comes to study in Paris at the end of the 60s and strikes up a friendship between a brother and sister who live in a gorgeously overwelming yet empty house which is left free for them all to use after the parents of the siblings leave for a long 'trip.' They spend their days quoting movies, dressing up as their favourite characters and drinking wine (sounds divine). However dreaming is shortlived and along with awakening there comes reality. The American finds himself in a surreal menage-a-trois which hints at incest, which try as he might, he cannot tear himself away from.
There is some strong and graphic nudity here, some moments are too embarassing to watch but there is something totally compelling and addictive about this film. Whether it be the decade, the location or the soundtrack I don't know, but for one thing you will find it hard to tear your eyes away from the screen. Do not be put off by the mention of the word incest, for it is handled tastefully and surprisingly beautifully if that is at all possible).
For added fun try to guess the titles of the movies they quote before they answer, I got nearly every one.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Arachnophobia - 1990 * *

Eight legs, two fangs and an attitude.
My god this was a cheesy movie. I can't work out whether it was intentionally so or whether the actors just didn't know what they were meant to be doing. I watched it initially to try and face my fear of spiders head on, but actually this really did nothing for me one way or another. There were some parts where I had to check under various cushions nearby in case there was a lone eight legged freak but actually for most of the story I was smiling. If the film was meant to be taken seriously by anybody then it didn't do what it was required to do and to be honest I found the story pretty boring. There was nothing to gage my attention for long enough. A sure miss.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
2012: Supernova - * *

The only thing that should have exploded was every actor on the set.
I found it very hard to review this movie. For one thing my partner and I sat down to watch it and after over an hour were starting to wonder why Woody Harrelson and team hadn't made an appearance. With horror we realised as the credits started to loom that we had been watching this movie instead of simply 2012. The Asylum company has produced nearly 200 rip-off movies of bad quality and awful acting and this was one of them. Nothing seems to happen in this movie. That bloke who was in Buffy runs around trying to save people and planets while his wife and daughter run around in the middle of the road trying not to get hit by flying cars and pieces of metal. There are a few people who you think are on his side and turn out evil but apparently that's just typical save-the world style movie-making. None of the actors look like they are particularly interested in what is going on and the lead character has a tendancy to run out from his hiding place without checking if the coast is clear when he hears familiar voices. Of course in the real world he would have been shot before he could open his mouth but yet again if you're in a movie about saving the world anything goes. Also the ending....What happened there? I'm not going to 'spoil' it (if thats even the right word) but you think to yourself ' how on earth could this possibly happen when we were so sure the other thing would happen, and in fact there is no way that the thing that happened could actually have happened in the realms of normality.' Obviously the director of the film totally lost the will to care about whether the scenes made any sense and I don't blame him, for while I was surprised at the ending I really didn't care two hoots about any of the characters and wished they'd all died at the beginning. This fake rip-off of 2012 hasn't put me off watching my original choice however which I am sure will be a lot better and have some proper acting to boot.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Coraline - 2009 * * * *

Some doors should never be opened.
Coraline is a movie that has been talked about a lot this year. It has been compared to Pixar films and also has been questioned as whether it is appropriate for children although it was released as a children's film. After watching it I think that maybe it is only appropriate for children over a certain age, i.e. 13. It is a bit like Harry Potter, for that was supposedly appropriate for children when in fact some scenes were far too frightening for it to be less than a 15. Coraline can be seen on two levels, one level that it is an amazing animated movie with some scary parts about a girl that discovers another world and the 2nd level that it relates to a young girl who finds it hard to cope with her annoying parents who don't seem to appreciate her and seeks solace in another world where her parents pay her more attention. Whatever way you want to view this movie it's very enjoyable and very well done. Dakota Fanning lends her voice to Coraline and a special highlight comes from Jennifer Saunders and Dawn French who play the 2 eccentric actresses that live below. The film has some dark elements to it and some parts actually freaked me out a bit, but all in all I just enjoyed it and went along with the ride. Maybe one that I would watch again but it would not be a regular that I would constantly take off my shelf like the Pixar's.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Fighting - 2009 * *

Some dreams are worth the fight.
I was appalled by the standard of acting in this movie, and yet the lesser acclaimed movie 'The Tournament' was of a totally different class and calibre. Tatum's performance is gastly, how he has ever succeeded as an actor of quality in this business I will never know, and to top it all off, his fight scenes are few and far between. For a film based around fighting you would expect it to be full of fights! However to my knowledge there were only three, and each one was so weak I myself could have packed more of a punch than Tatum. That mixed with Tatum's embarassing scenes with his love interest which make you feel like you are witnessing a teenage first date were enough to make me want to turn the movie off, but I persisted until the end and was more than happy to see the end credits roll. It just goes to show that you don't need talent to be an actor in Hollywood, just a pretty boy image and you're all set.
The Tournament - 2009 * * * * *

Only one will survive
This film hasn't really had that much critical acclaim to my knowledge. I cannot understand why as I was totally caught up in the plot and acting which was tremendous.
Robert Carlyle really stole the show for me in his role as the alcoholic priest who mistakenly gets caught up in the tournament.
The tournament is controlled by bookmaker Liam Cunningham who arranges his contacts to place bets on a small number of assassins who in turn fight each other until the death. When they die they are disqualified. Each assassin has a chip embedded in their stomach which tracks their movements which are transmitted back to the main tournament room where Cunningham and his contacts are watching their every movement on a large screen. Unknowingly Carlyle swallows one of these chips and is thrown headfirst into the tournament as an assassin.
The acting is superb and I think the ideal is totally original. Watch this if you want to be glued to the screen and blown away by some really astounding performances.
The Darjeeling Limited - 2007 * * * * *

'Do you think we would be friends if we weren't related?'
I know there was a lot of talk about the symbolism of this movie when it was released and people spent ages trying to work out what director Wes Anderson was trying to get at but I still think that even if you don't understand the film on a deep level you can still enjoy it as a sharp comedy with some good acting. Adrien Brody grows in my good books with every film I see him in and I have always liked Owen Wilson.
Three brothers, Francis Peter and Jack who haven't seen each other in over a year meet on a train bound for India where Francis hopes that they will travel to a secluded monastary to meet up with their mother. As none of them trust each other Francis, (Wilson) decides to steal their passports so that they can't leave the train until they have become closer. What follows is a series of humorous events involving pepper spray, old belts and deadly snakes where the brothers begin to learn more about each other than they ever thought or hoped that they would. The whole film is slightly surreal and the symbolism can occasionally get in the way of the enjoyment of the jokes, but on the whole it really delivers. There are also some very moving moments that almost made me cry and the whole thing wrapped up really nicely.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Irreversible - 2002 * *

Time destroys all things.
I'm actually going to go against the grain and say that I didn't like this movie. And not because of the violent and grotesque rape scene which is agonising to watch. I didn't find the unusual method of replaying the scenes from the end to the beginning helpful or 'wacky', instead I found it confusing and really jumbled up with no actually reason whatsover. There was no point to the way it was shot. There was no point to the horrible wobbly camera work which was worse that even Cloverfield (which is saying something), and no point to the detached and depressing awfulness of the whole thing. I understand we are supposedly being treated to 'reality' and 'if we don't want gloom then not to watch the film' etc but I personally wantto be fullfilled when watching a movie and this production could do nothing for me. If it wasn't for Monica Belluci's outstanding beauty the whole movie would have been a complete wash-out. I find myself comparing this to 'Antichrist' which was another awful excuse for violence and insult. However at least the acting in that film was amazing whereas this fell totally flat on it's very disturbing face. You could tell that the director was trying to be all arty and add in hidden meanings and metaphorical images but he got in such a mess that it ended up feeling like you were watching an amateur film-makers work instead of a well renowned and popular director.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Mommie Dearest - 1981 * * *

Faye Dunaway's portrayal of Joan Crawford is really staggering. She doesn't actually look that much like her but her mannerisms and voice are amazingly close. I'm a big classic movie star fan but had never known exactly how twisted and abusive Joan was to her children, Christina in particular. Her story reminded me a bit of Norma Desmond in 'Sunset Boulevard', not being able to cope with the fact that her movie star days were ending. Her life was the movies, her children came second. I don't actually understand why Joan decided to adopt a child if she wasn't prepared to take care of her and get her priorities straight. She was only interested in mentally and physically abusing her. It was like watching a movie based on a serial killer but realising that the person commiting the acts was actually a beautiful and well-known actress instead of a lonely and unknown individual. There will always be people who felt sorry for Joan and expected that celebrity life simply became too much for her to deal with but I cannot understand why anyone would behave the way she did, especially being in the public eye so much. Watching her films now will really be an odd and sad kind of hindsight - she should have known better.
James Dean: Race with Destiny 1997 * * *

Live fast, die young, but leave a beautiful corpse.
I am a massive James Dean fan and had been hoping to watch this dramatisation of his life for a long time. I don't believe that Van Dien's portrayal as Dean was very realistic as the dooomed star. He looked nothing like Dean and at times it was hard to remember who Van Dien was trying to replicate. Most of the movie centred around Dean's relationship with Pier Angeli, or 'Pure Angel' as James liked to call her and how their relationship suffered and deteriorated at the hands of Pier's controlling mother. We are 'treated' if thats even the right word to a shot of Dean's last drive with his companion and this confused me somewhat. In every book/website we are told that Dean's last words are ' that guy's sure to see us' right before he crashes, but how would we know these words if there were no survivors in the car. his quote is not included in this film which I am thankful for.
Worth watching for a glimpse into the life of the coolest man who ever lived.
The History Boys - 2006 * * * *

History, it's just one bloody thing after another.
On first viewing a few years ago I must say I was less than impressed. I couldn't relate to any of the characters or the plot which is weird because I was studying at university at the time. However on viewing it again now I was pleasantly surprised. I totally engaged with the characters, loved their passion for literature and education and found myself really caring about what happened to them. Richard Griffiths was superb as Hector, the wonderfully absurd and eccentric History teacher who teaches the boys all they could ever need to know about life. I loved the footage from Cambridge as that is where I am from and ironically I now work in one of the colleges that admits students like them.
This is a very inspiring and strangely motivational film which showcases some amazing talent that had only just come to light at the time but that now is a cert i.e. Dominic Cooper, James Cordon.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Baby Face - 1933 * * * *

I'd never heard of this movie until I stumbled across it quite by accident. I saw the title and the date and assumed it was something crossed with 'The Public Enemy' and Little Caesar'. It had no elements of gangster in it whatsover but I still thought it was brilliant and just about the right length. Stanwyck is amazing to watch on screen and always seems to play the strong-willed and independent women in her films. Her role here however was one of a different independence. After losing her beastly and abusive father in an explosion, Lily takes herself off to New York to make some money which is easily done when all you have to do is sleep your way to the top and break men's heart left, right and centre. Lily performs under the perception that because men have treated her badly in her past she has every right to make them suffer now. Unfortunately she devestates some of the men's lives when they leave their wives and fiances for her only to be told she's moved on. I can imagine men all to agree on viewing that she is a nasty piece of work and the women to support her actions fully, although myself a female I actually started to feel sorry for the men towards the end of the film. They fell so pathetically at her feet that it was painful to watch.
A brilliant example of Stanwyck's talent; you can tell that she will go on to be a tremendous actress which indeed she does.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
AntiChrist - 2009 * * *

A Crying Woman is a Scheming Woman.
Let's get one thing straight, this movie was brilliantly acted, and its pretty hard to find a film with only two actors in it that can carry itself and make you stay gripped to your seat. I was gripped but I also felt like being sick a number of times. I am aware of the Dogme style of acting as I performed 'Festen' at university and so could understand the method. Certain scenes I felt were far too graphic to be shown and there were moments where I did want to turn the thing off. But I stuck with it until the end and despite being confused most of the movie it did what it said on the tin and made me think for a long time afterwards. I cannot pretend to understand the symbolism behind the film and think I would need to see it a few more times before it even started to make sense which is something I don't really want to do as I feel drained enough from one sitting. It is true what they say that a powerful film can really emotionally and mentally effect you and I've literally had to sit in silence for about half an hour just going over and over what I've seen. I guess in a way this film does work because there are so many ways you can interpret what you have viewed including feminism, sexism etc and I think really that it's up to you to understand it however you want to. This is one movie that I'm not sure how to rate. Usually I go on love or hate factor when I'm reviewing but on this occasion I just don't know how to react. I would give it full marks for captivating my attention but I didn't actually enjoy the story or what was happening to the characters. But then again I would also give it full marks for character performance. I think everyone (well people over 18 anyway) should watch this, but certain scenes including the ones towards the end will leave you emotionally disgusted regardless of whether you are a man or a woman.
Drag Me To Hell - 2009 * * * *

Having not been bowled over by the 'Evil Dead' movie that Sam Raimi directed I was hardly expecting that this movie would have much of an impact. However I was really surprised. The whole film is done pretty much with tongue-in-cheek and its great to see a director taking the mickey out of himself by making the film slightly comical. The idea of the story is fairly simple - a young woman with a prosperous job and nice boyfriend refuses to extend a loan to Mrs Ganush, a scary, haggard looking woman who comes to her bank begging for them not to repossess her house. The old woman, (who has a fake eye and delights in coughing up phlegm into her handkerchief)decides to curse her and unless the curse can be lifted within three days she'll be taken to hell.
It doesn't sound very scary as horror movies go but there are plenty of typical jumpy moments that you wouldn't expect and a really terrifying performance from the woman who plays Mrs Ganush. She really isn't somebody you would care to meet in a dark alleyway, or even a bright one. Plus the ending really makes you squeal, and for once it seems that horror movies do not always turn out happily ever after at the end.
I wouldn't go as far as to rate this movie as the best of the year (I really don't think I could rate just one film with that title anyway regardless of how good it was) but it certainly is worth a couple of watches to see a director who doesn't take himself to seriously.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Crying Fist - 2005 * * *

I was very surprised with this movie. It was captivating, humourous in parts in the way that only the Korean can do and actually a very poignant experience. The story centres around two characters who are having a bad life, one is a forty-something man who is jobless and treats his wife and child like dirt, the other is a twenty-something year old who because of crime landed himself in jail. Both begin to share a common interest in boxing and see it as the be all and end all that will either change their lives or ruin them. Interaction between the characters is very complex. A worthwhile movie although it does begin to drag towards the end.
The Mysterious Lady - 1928 * * * *

No one knew who she was yet no one could resist her beauty.
Garbo is just a perfect example of classic beauty. She is also an example of perfection on the screen. Every move, every glance and every close up is exquisite and she performs them in a timeless fashion. Garbo plays Tania, a Russian spy who falls in love with a soldier but is told by her lover to extract information from him by making him fall in love with her. The whole story is agonisingly powerful and I really do not believe that anyone other than Garbo could have put so much heart and soul into the performance. The expression and pain on her face is evident to see and she totally embodies the part. For anyone who wants to see Garbo silent this is the perfect place to start, although I saw 'Grand Hotel' first and therefore heard her voice before I could discover her talent!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The VIP's - 1963 * * * * *

In the world of the Very Important People.
I have just finished watching this movie and oh my gosh I adored it. Elizabeth Taylor was stunning as usual and Richard Burton (in the first of his films that I've seen) was one of the most captivating presences I've ever seen. This story reminded me a lot of the classic 'Grand Hotel' in which many characters are mingled in one space and their relationships all drastically change over the course of the film. Both are of equal high status and I can watch each one many times. Like 'Grand Hotel' this film has a star-studded cast and each actor has an unforgettable part. A particular highlight for me was Orson Welles who can drag you into his scene and keep you there until he has departed.
The individual stories of the main characters were brilliantly constructed and I was crying loudly by the end. There was not one character whose story didn't affect me.
A must must see movie.
Blue Velvet - 1986 *

It's a strange world.
I will never ever understand the excitement and notoriety of this film. I went into it with high expectations after reading lots of positive and was expecting to be amazed. I was amazed but it was not in a good way. I can see absolutely nothing of credibility here. The acting was mediocre except for Dennis Hopper's gripping and uncomfortable portrayel as a sadistic drug dealer who performs perverted and obscene sexual acts on his illicit sex slave Isabella Rossellini. The premise is pretty poor and in no way worthy of being in the top 100 movies centering around a young man's discovery of a human ear. I am aware that David Lynch was trying to concentrate more on the surreal and eerie elements of the movie rather that a first class script because it really is an embarassment to watch and see how most of the characters woodenly interact with each other. I could have experienced more with either a brilliant script or an amazing plot but seeing as neither occured in this film I was happy to see the end of it and will not be bothering again; some movies are too far above my head.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sideways - 2004 * * *

Sometimes you have to leave to find your way back.
There was a lot of talk about this movie and I couldn't wait to see it. However when I actually purchased the disc I waited a ridiculous amount of time before I watched the DVD, 7 months in fact which seems to be one of my faults when it comes to films. I'd thought that the longer I left it, the better it would be and the more I would appreciate it and the feelings I had gathered about what I may expect beforehand. Sadly, my excitement in movies appears to be very limited nowadays and I finished watching the film feeling quite let down and disappointed. The story itself doesn't have much to it, 2 friends go on a trip to the Californian vineyards as an extended bachelor party, one to forget about his divorce and the other to get laid before his wedding. I actually really empathised with Miles' character and his love of wine. He seemed like a genuinely decent bloke who was in no way sleazy or arrogant, and I began to build up a rapport with him. However I disliked Paul immensely and found him a pathetic excuse for a male. The last thing most decent men do is try and have sex with other women the week before they are going to get married, and so I found that I hated what he stood for, (having zero respect for his fiance and being sexually promiscious) and am sure that few male viewers would see him as a good and pleasing character.
In films like this you can usually tell by about half way through whether you are going to be able to engage with the characters and for me it only took about ten minutes. I loved the first half of the film and was rooting for Miles to have a great trip while enjoying his passion for wine, but the second half went drastically downhill and we were subjected to Paul and his sexual exploitations which I felt we could have done without. I may have enjoyed the film more if the character of Paul hadn't existed and I could have concentrated more on Miles, but as that was not the case the film cannot grasp more than an average rating. Although the Californian countryside and scenery was really beautiful.
A disappointing movie.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Priceless - 2006 * * *

She's stealing his heart and he's paying for it.
As keen as I was to rush into lots of Audrey Tautou after seeing 'Amelie' I thought it wise to leave it a while so that I wouldn't be constantly comparing whatever she was in to the previous movie.
I decided to start with a film that would guarantee me a good time and a laugh which is why I chose 'Priceless'.
Irene has always dated men with money, and been treated like a princess. She has also made it clear that all she is after is the money and not the love, but all that changes after a fluke meeting with Jean, a timid and impressionable bar-tender whom she meets one night in her hotel and mistakes for a millionaire(when in fact he is badly broke). Being so meek and good-natured (and also having fallen in love with her) Jean pulls out all the stops to try and impress her and win her heart instead of just her bank balance.
The sumptuous scenery and gorgeous costumes that Audrey Tautou gets to wear make the whole film a joy to watch, like a decadent and moreish treat. The comedy moves at a gentle pace and the 2 main characters seem to have real chemistry. However the reason I cannot mark it higher is because towards 2/3 of the way in the plot started to go downhill in a way which I disliked. We have spent a long time establishing a bod between Irene and Jean and then all of a sudden everything is moving speedily forward at a rate which actually alarms me. I certainly loved the first half of the movie but was put off by the second, where I felt that the characters had no direction.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Rest Stop - 2006 * * * *

This film has got some pretty harsh reviews on reputable dvd sites and I couldn't resist watching it to see if what they said was true. In my opinion this was a poorly underated movie and I was gripped and shocked throughout. I loved 'Wolf Creek' but hated 'Gone' and so it was really a toss up as to whether I would like the feel of this movie. I knew that the film would be dealing with a solo female victim like the other 2 movies and it was really down to how she acted and reacted that would seal the deal for me. I thought the actress playing Nicole was amazing. I thought the plot, although a bit 'familiar' to other outback/stranded type films was thrilling and the ending really really upset me. I did sort of know what was going to happen because it has occured in the films I mentioned before, but I was still shocked, and the very ending, I mean literally the last minute or so actually was left open so you didn't have a clue what would happen. Definately worth a watch, or even 2.
Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein -1948 * * *
'Everybody knows Dracula isn't real,' 'Yes, but does Dracula himself know this?'
This was my first A+C film and I was surprised that I'd missed some very funny films. The comedy is a little like marmite, you either love the fact it's very obvious and almost Laurel and Hardy like (although not nearly as good) or you hate it. I liked it. It doesn't exactly make you collapse in hysterics but it does raise a smile. And the pair are very funny together, bouncing off each other with rapid speed. The highlight for me was seeing Bela Lugosi in a comedy! Although he wasn't purposefully acting in a funny way he did actually make me laugh! Right from the first time you see him he has this amazing presence. He brought a touch of elegence to the movie that I think would have otherwise lacked it. I would definately watch another of the pair's movies but I'm not sure if I'd be viewing this again; there are funnier films out there to see.
Hack! - 2007 * * * *

Reality is murder.
Ok I was confused about this movie. There were parts that I really liked and parts I hated. However I'm giving it a higher rating because overall I did find it enjoyable. I liked the fact that the film was seen to be poking fun at other horror movies. The whole basis of the movie is that a group of students, (you know the drill, one slut, one nerd, one sexist moron etc) all take a trip to an island to raise the grades on their term papers. They are looked after by a seemingly lovely couple who are obsessed with movies. In reality there is something sinister about them. I liked the fact that we are laughing at the characters in the story who are in term laughing at the couple (or is it the other way around??). If you are a horror buff then you will notice all the obvious and subtle jokes based on other films. The ending really confused me though, and to be honest with about twenty minutes to spare I suddenly felt like I'd fallen asleep without realising and missed a whole area of the plot. P.S does anyone else think the character of Willy is a blatent rip-off from Grounds keeper Willy in 'The Simpsons'??
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Odd Couple 2 - 1998 * * *

They haven't changed.
There was a lot to laugh about in this movie, and Jack Lemmon, although suitably aged is still able to crack some jokes. Walter Matthau is still as dry as ever and funny, but the pair seem to be past their most comedic times. This time around the pair are thrown together at the announcement of Matthau's son and Lemmon's daughter and make the long road trip to be at the wedding. However not before they come across some hilarious obstacles. Although a lot of the humour was forced there were still some bits that made me chuckle but it was really nothing compared to the original that had me in hysterics. In fact if I'm honest I think this version should never have been made because it almost seems to spoil what was a perfect original comedy.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Horror Hotel - 1960 aka The City of the Dead * * * *

' The basis of fairy tale is in reality. The basis of reality is in fairy tales'
I have always been interested in films about witches and hangings (slightly macabre I know!), and so I was amazed to find this barely talked about movie that had me gripped from start to finish. Having Christopher Lee in one of the roles always guarantees a good movie, and he didn't disappoint here although it was a shame that he wasn't featured more in the film especially since he is the only name to appear on the front of the disc.
A young student Nan decides, on the advice of her college professor (Lee) to go to a small and eerie town named Whitewood in her Winter break to research her term paper on Witchcraft. However when she gets there she encounters a variety of abnormal and terrifying things, and some even weirder people who inhabit the place...
The basis of this film is brilliant, very haunting and spooky,and the performances are actually very good. This was the first Amicus movie (Hammer Horror's rival)and by gum it was a memorable film. There is something about this film that will certainly get under your skin, and has mine, for I saw it a few days ago and stilll cannot stop thinking about it!
The Corpse Vanishes - 1942 * * *

Kidnapped Brides are his victims!
This film for me showed signs of being compared to Dracula. Lugosi is the evil doctor who drugs soon-to-be brides with a poisoned orchid and extracts their essence to keep his rapidly ageing wife alive. Lugosi's assistant, a hunchbacked and moronic creature also showed similarities with Count Dracula's Reinfield. The story in itself was pretty cheesy but still managed to kick a decent punch in the scare records. Lugosi is the most amazing presence on screen and you really feel like you can't keep your eyes off him, regardless of what he is doing; he truly is one of the early horror greats of the screen.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wicker Park-2002 * * * *

Passion never dies.
Wicker Park is a strange film. I tried to watch it a while back and was totally bored and unimpressed with the whole idea. I tried to watch it again recently and was totally bowled over and gripped by the acting, the plot and the conclusion. Josh Hartnett to my mind has never been a good actor, he's been a hearthrob and maybe a bit of a sex-obsessed joke in some of his films but never strong enough for the audience to go 'wow'. However in this film I took his portrayal of a man who's lost the only woman he ever loved to be a pretty good example of quality acting. This film is all about coincidences, memories, passion and mistaken identity but it still manages to serve up some eerie scenes where Hartnett believes he is looking right at his lost love, only for her to disappear suddenly. The movie takes a much needed darker turn about half way through and we find out exactly what we are so anxious to know in relation to what happened to his girlfriend. Rose Byrne is really quite nauseating as Hartnett's best friend's girlfriend who appears to know a lot more about the situation than she is letting on. (His best friend incidentally is that dorky bloke who is in 'She's all that' and 'Without a Paddle' but whose name I can never remember.)
I'm not sure how to class this film- suspense, thriller, dark comedy... Whatever it is it still deserves a watch, and maybe another one soon after to tie up any loose ends that you may have missed the first time around.
Picnic at Hanging Rock - 1975 * * * * *

Everything begins, and ends, at exactly the right time and place...
Picnic at Hanging Rock is a movie I will never be able to figure out or forget. It haunts, scares and totally encapsulates the dusty and humid atmosphere of Australia at the beginning of the 20th century. Time and time again I go back to this movie, and although I know for a fact that it had no truth in it whatsover I still believe that by watching it again and again I will be able to find the key to the mystery.
The story is fairly simple (this is no spoiler because it mentions this at the beginning of the film)- a group of school girls and their teachers go for a picnic to Hanging Rock to celebrate Valentine's Day in 1900. By the evening, three girls and a teacher have disappeared. You may think to yourself that while it is a dreadful thing to happen, it isn't particularly odd, people slip off rocks all the time and fall to their deaths. The thing is, the bodies are never found, and the one girl who didn't disappear but was the last to see them has no clue or knowledge of what happened. If this film had been set in the present day it may have shocked, but I doubt very much that it would have haunted it's viewers as it does here. There is something so eerie about the situation that you can never quite put your finger on that could only fit in with the 1900s. Joan Lindsay's novel caused a great stir soon after, for many people believed it to be a real film and were convinced that Lindsay knew the answer to the disappearance of the girls and teacher. However Lindsay has always maintained her answer that the story is just a story and all characters have come from her head instead of a police case.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Dance Flick - 2008 * * * *

Look man, there ain't I in team! There ain't?
Uh oh, I probably shouldn't be saying that I liked this movie. Parody films have got a bad name now after so many have been released and to be truthful most of them aren't actually funny! So it was such a relief to watch this film and actually laugh. Laugh out loud and laugh long. One thing I do like about parody films is the fact that you have to know all the films that are being referenced otherwise you're unlikely to find it funny at all. I did. I'm glad I watched Save the Last Dance now (not because I liked the film though, because I didn't!) as there were parts of the movie devoted to the relationship in that movie. Step up is also referenced, with an incrediably ugly in need of dental care Channing Tatum 'look-a-like.' As usual the film didn't really have a strong story, and normally that would make me switch off straight away, but this type of film doesn't really need to rely on intricate plots to be classed as a funny film. Worth a chuckle, and even a full-bodied laugh, maybe these types of films are getting better after such a long time.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Breed - 2006 * *

Let the manhunt begin.
Wes Craven must have had a temporary delusional moment when he decided to direct this movie. A group of teenagers finding themselves trapped on an island by some rabid dogs is hardly the most original storyline of the century. And nothing apart from the predictable happens. There is screaming, moaning, half naked shots, idiotically slow running away and men who spend their time talking about all the women they have slept with. In short, a very deep and meaningful film, for people who like 'that sort of thing.' I for one, don't.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Jack the Ripper - 1976 * *

Close your eyes and whisper his name...
Where do I start with this dreadfully hilarious farce? For one the shooting of the movie has obviously not taken place anywhere near London as most of the prostitutues spend their time hanging round a very German looking Cathedral which is supposed to symbolize the areas of Whitechapel, 'The Thames' consists of nothing more than a short muggy river about 20 inches long where the bodies of the women are disposed, the victims have a dreadful habit of standing on the spot too long and groaning in terror instead of running away when they see they are about to die, and Klaus Kinski's charade of scary serial killer/ puss bursting, tea cup dropping doctor is laughable. The police go round and round in circles with no leads only listening to a blind and slightly alcohol - dependent tramp with huge sunglasses and there are plenty of long-winded and over-acted moments where Klaus cuts open the bodies of his victims to reveal brilliant pink blood and plasterscene hands. Oh and apparently the director is better known for making soft-porn movies, so he's obviously an expert in the field of 19th century horror. Not!
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Women - 2008 * * * *

It's all about...
I was in for a pleasant surprise with this movie. It was only afterwards that I realised it was in fact a remake of a 1930's film starring Joan Crawford and Rosalind Russell which I will definately be checking out.
The story centres around a group of women whose world goes into turmoil when they find out that one of the women's husbands' is having an affair with a stunning perfume seller. Instead of getting mad,the group learn exactly how to be there for each other and how friendship really means everything. In particular I found Annette Bening's performance to be hilarious and so realistic. Meg Ryan was also brilliant in this as the scorned wife and there are some lovely scenes where she realises how confident she can be alone. All in all this was a great film filled with just the right amount of humour and drama to make it moreish and I really wish the end hadn't happened so soon.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Ice Age 3: The Dawn of the Dinosaurs - 2009 * * * *

It will break the ice.
Hands down this is the best of the three Ice Age movies. It's brilliant and ever so funny. The characters are so refreshing and humourous that it makes you thankful that there are still funny movies out there. Sid is my favourite character, but the arrival of new character Buck played by Simon Pegg was hilarious too. Just a great film for all, as there are funny but cleverly woven in adult jokes as well as childish innocent scenes.
Last House on the Left - 2009 * * * *

Death was only the beginning,
I was strangely fascinated by the first version of this movie and therefore decided I was keen to watch the newer version and see how Hollywood-ised it had become. I actually really enjoyed it and found the acting more raw and realistic than the 70's version. I also love revenge movies, and I loved the fact that here although something terrible and tragic happened that was not the end. It is certainly an exploitation film and there are graphic scenes including a rape scene which you will not forget easily (this scene was not why I liked the movie as I despise sexual torture on the screen and don't find it acceptable) but this movie still has something about it that makes you want to start watching and not get up until the credits roll. Added to which the acting was brilliantly done.
Deep Blue Sea - 1999 *

Bigger, Smarter. Faster. Meaner
This movie is total bull!! I cannot believe that I was actually going to buy this movie at full price and waste valuable money. Instead I decided to download it which is great because I can delete it and never have to think of it again!! This movie is not even excusable for a movie. It is full of terrible acting, terrible storyline and a shark that looks so fake it is a pathetic excuse for computer graphics today!! I've seen better effects in the film 'Jaws' and that was made over 20 years before that. Just dreadful.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Unfaithfully Yours - 1948 * * * * *

For a film that had me on the floor crying with laughter three times one after the other I really would have expected more of a worldwide gathering. Preston Sturges is obviously a genius. Rex Harrison could not have been better for the part of paranoid conductor Arthur who believes his wife is having an affair and because of this suspicion drives himself round the bend playing out all sorts of outrageous scenarios in his head. Linda Darnell is flawless for her part and plays his devoted wife with charm and pizazz. The scene with the gramapohne record actually hurt my stomach because I was laughing so much and I really recommend this film for anyone who has ever been insecure or worried about their relationship.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Man with Two Brains - 1983 * * * *

Steve Martin is a world famous surgeon. Trust Him.
I was really in need of a funny film today and had heard that this was hilarious, so I popped it in the player and settled down. Whoever had said it was funny was right! I had always had a problem with Steve Martin for some reason that I can't even remember now but watching this had changed my mind rapidly about his acting abilities. Kathleen Turner was great as well, although I can't get the image of her playing Chandler's father out of my head! Steve Martin's scenes with the brain are eye-wateringly funny and I re-wound certain scenes at least three times because I couldn't stop laughing!
A real treat for a cosy afternoon!
Jab we Met - 2007 * * *

Flung together then torn apart.
Jab is a great film. It has brilliant songs, a cast of funny actors and a story that seems to preceed much of Bollywood-ness now. I am constantly surprised by this movies, always expecting less than I see. I am obsessed with the beautiful costumes the women wear and the scenery and although they are mostly over three hours long I am now keen to see every Bollywood movie out there!!
Titanic - 1953 * * *

The Terror, the Sea, the Romance!
I had only seen two Titanic related movies before this one, namely 'Titanic' and 'A Night to Remember' and found this probably the weakest of the two. 'A Night to Remember' focused more on the actual events of the sinking as opposed to this one which was more character based and only focused on the sinking for about ten or fifteen minutes. Although I never normally think this way I actually prefer the James Cameron version of this storyline because it has a good balance of relationships and the sinking. This Barbara Stanwyck version was filmed closest to the actual event and therefore was probably the most realistic in capturing the atmosphere yet it didn't do much for me. Clifton Webb is a great actor, (I've now seen him in this, 'Laura' and 'Whirlpool') and towards the end he really makes me cry because of his chivalry. Still worth a watch but I would recommend 'A Night to Remember' if you want to watch a black and white version.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Susan Lennox - 1931 * * * 1/2

She fell to rise again.
I love Greta Garbo. There is something otherwordly and etherial about her that draws you to her like a moth to a flame. Added to which she is stunningly beautiful and charmingly innocent. Clark Gable is brilliant as ever, handsome and tortured by her love which creates a totally realistic chemistry on screen between them both.
Very short and very sweet.
See No Evil - 2006 * * * *

Evil gets raw.
All in all this was actually a decent horror film. Plenty of gore, parts that actually shocked me (eyes and mobile phones spring to mind) and something (dare I say it) likeable about the killer (played by Kane, the boxer) who, although seeming intent on destroying everyone in sight also appears to not want a fly.
I liked the look, I liked the layout and I liked the murders, so a good job was done!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Woman Next Door - 1989 * * * *

Their love tore them apart.
What a wonderful movie. I chanced upon this movie at my local DVD store and wasn't expecting much from it. However by the end I was wishing it wasn't over and feeling amazed that I had never heard of it before. The story reminded me a little of Romeo and Juliet because of the two lovers being in such close quarters yet not being able to be fully together. A shock ending really upset me. All in all a great movie.
That Hamilton Woman - 1941 * * * *

Romance brought them together and class pulled them apart.
I really liked this movie, Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier acting together was pure magic, their on-screen chemistry soulders almost as much as their off-screen romance did. Based around Emily Hamilton's relationship with Nelson, this movie charters their first meeting to their scandalous romance that shocked the community, made worse by the fact that both of them were married at the time. Strong and powerful acting on both parts.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Gia - 1998 * * *

Too beautiful to die, too wild to live.
Watching this movie has proved to me that actually Angelina Jolie really can act. This film is based around the life and death of America's first real supermodel Gia. It follows her rise to stardom and her tragic life riddled with loneliness and drug addiction. Jolie was perfect for this movie and it was very captivating although it did drag on at times. An interesting look at Gia's life with docu-drama style interviews.
Shortbus - 2006 * *

You've got to get on to get off.
This was a totally absurd movie. I had an idea that it would be an arty film that I would really appreciate but to be honest it was just an excuse for lots of sex and a lot of touching. To be truthful it would have been better to just purchase a porn movie, you probably would have learned more. The film seems to boast the message that you will be better off sexually after watching this, almost like a 'making love dvd manual' but the results leave the viewer hanging on the edge wondering what they have gained. Nothing is the answer. All in all, overrated tosh.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking - 2004 * * * * *

'When all other contingencies fail, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'
I remember seeing this for the first time at Christmas 2005 and have since watched it a few times a year. Unlike other crime detectives there are many different actors who have portrayed Sherlock Holmes in the last century. Rupert Everett has only been Holmes in this one-off TV drama but I thought he did the job perfectly. He is just the right blend of intelligence mixed with a dab of humour and a slightly handsome exterior to make his character believable. I am a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes because Victorian London is one of my favourite times and places. I find it totally fascinating and am in total awe of men and women who went out dining in horse and carriage attired in black tie and tails. Add a grisly murder or two and Holmes' violin playing and you have this perfect excuse to relax in front of the TV and journey back in time.
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