All the signs lead to red.
I remember vaguely trying to watch this a couple of years ago and being so bored that I switched off after about 15 minutes. However a few days ago I decided to give it another go, partly because I seem to give up on too many films and partly because of my Hitchcock boxset aquired last year that includes Marnie, and I would feel too guilty if I didn't watch that one and saw all the others. Anyway I wouldn't say this film was a blockbuster by any means, especially when you consider such classics as Rear Window and Vertigo (which I have yet to see, but know that it holds high critical aclaim)but it still has something terribly Hitchcockian about it (is that a word?)that makes it perfectly watchable. Marnie is a compulsive liar and theif with an unusual family secret. Sean Connery plays her new employer who, becoming aware of her situation decides to try and help her instead of booting her off to jail. Tippi Hedren's performance is good, but it doesn't pack a punch nearly as well as the brilliant 'The Birds.' It upsets me to have to rate a Hitchcock film lower than 4 out of five because I consider him to be a genius, bu I feel that on the scales of greatness this movie narrowly missed the mark.
Rating 3/5
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