Vinnie Jones has never been known for playing sentimental or 'good guys. This film was hardly going to show him in the best light either. In fact this movie was just a waste of time, effort and money. What was the director thinking? A story revolving around a butcher who hangs about on late night trains with his mallet and slaughters random people was hardly going to win intellectual film of the year. In many places it even leant towards embarassing, (Vinnie can't act to save his life but he delivers the brutal blows with stellar force, almost makes you think he migh be a hard man in real life...)and the lead guy who takes photographs spent a good deal of the movie breaking into a sweat because of his obsession with taking pictures which is a bit of a weird thing to get sweaty about. Not even credible as a Saturday night drunk film, it'll just confuse you, and the end scene, erm....??
Ratinbg 2/5
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