The shocking story of love for sale.
I was curious to see this movie, partly because of Douglas Fairbanks Jnr and partly because of it being banned in many countries at the time of it's release, these types of movies generally interest me as they hold some sort of naughty fascination that there will be shocking scenes. For many, I'm sure that this movie was a pretty big deal when it came out, I mean being a party girl was just another name for an escort now and 1930's America wouldn't have been ready for something as reputation-shattering as that. Although I tried to look at the movie with a view to being a post-20s flapper I still couldn't find enough to panic me, in fact the whole movie just seemed to consist of girls wandering around rooms with glasses of champagne and old men with party hats on. Not very scandalous and not very exciting as movies go, plus Douglas Fairbanks was at his most unappealing for the entire film showing no acting skills whatsoever. A waste of time and money, do not be fooled into thinking if you buy it you will be capturing a piece of priceless footage from the 30s - it's purely garbage.
Rating 2/5
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