For years now I have kept seeing this dvd cover on Amazon and wondering what on earth Julietee Binoche was screaming at, thankfully now I have seen the film I know ( although it was nothing to do with what I originally thought) and I must say this wasn't a bad dose of Michael Haneke who previously terrified me with Funny Games and thrilled me in Cache (Hidden). I figure that this film needs to be seen a few times for the viewer to really understand the intricate details of each and every short (there must be at least 20). Some are brilliant (the paper bag throwing incident for one) and others are mind-numbingly boring ( Binoche ironing copious amounts of T-Shirts in front of the tv). As Haneke seems to be a master in his craft I'm pretty sure they are all included for a reason but sometimes it seems a bit difficult to know what the importance of some of them is. However on a plus side the shorts are all so..well.. short that you never get bored.
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