It's a very weird feeling to watch Humphrey Bogart in a film again after literally years and years of adoring him as a young child. (I used to wake up two hours earlier than I had to before I went to school to watch one of his films everyday.)
For me he is 'the' cool guy, and rivals James Cagney in any form of ganster activity on the big screen.
I cannot quite get my head around Lizabeth Scott however, she doesn't seem like a particularly good actress, and appears to me as though she is trying desperately to look and sound like Lauren Bacall (who IS a good actress). One would wonder if John Cromwell decided to cast her in the film so that Bogart would feel closer to his wife. ( Apparently Rita Hayworth was originally considered for her part, even she would have made a better femme fatale!!)
Bogart plays an ex-soldier who decides to investigate why his friend has done a runner instead of collect a his well-earned Medal of Honour, and chaos and murder follow ( of course).
I'l be honest, this wasn't one of my favourite noirs, but Bogart's always superb in anything so at least I had that fact to keep me going, but the story itself wasn't as thought out as I would have liked. I have seen Scott in two films now and even two seems too many. Give me Bacall anyday.
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