A sumptious dramatization of the short life of Anne Boleyn with Richrd Burton on top form as the sometimes jolly and sometimes murderous Henry VIII. Genevieve Bojold shines as Boleyn, who catches the eye of Henry VIII at one of his many feasts. Because she is unattainable and seemingly not interested in him, Henry goes to extensive measures to woe her, despite being still married to Katherine of Aragon who has not been able to give him a male heir.
Henry VIII appears to be one of those men who only chases a woman until he has 'defeated' her, and then she is apparently useless to him. Once he finds out that Anne has also not borne him any male heirs, he decides that she is also worthless and is on look out for his next conquest.
Brilliantly acted and interesting, this is one of the great historical films you must see.
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