Not another shallow movie.
Having not been exactly bowled over by the pure dumbness of the last few 'movies' I was hardly ripping my hair out with excitement to see this latest installment in the series. However by the end I was in total hysterics. All the jokes for once were actually funny, the impersonations were very realistic (especially Juno and the princess from 'Enchanted') and the movie packed in a fair amount of memorable characters that everybody would recognize. Do not watch this movie expecting it to be an intelligent or thought-provoking experience because it won't be. In fact it is full of the exact things which I normally dislike about moderns films - excessive swearing, toilet humour and half-naked women, but for some reason I really liked it. Give it a go if you want a laugh though, because although filled with the ingredients I mentioned above it is still a clever and comical film with some brilliant and unknown actors who I'm sure will make it big now.
Rating 4/5
i loved this movie. I watched it for many times but still it seems new to me.