Tink - the bell was added later!
Let me start by talking about the beautiful and quirky little animated film which has captured all our hearts this year, I am of course talking about Disney's newest addition to the pack - Tinkerbell. Now before Peter Pan came into the picture, there was a little unknown named Tink, who although clumsy was kindhearted and sweet to all the other fairies in her world. Her sadness though was at not being allowed onto the 'mainland' (London to us mere mortals). With a little pinch of fairy dust, we follow her journey in just under an hour and fifteen minutes which is hardly a long film, and are joined along the way by some familiar voices like Lucy Liu and Angelica Huston and of course the unmistakable Jane Horrocks.
I'm not a big fan of long films and usually find an hour and forty minutes is usually about right for my viewing pleasure, however this film appeared a trifle short for me, but then again it is aimed at children who are usually only happy with a quick stint of moviedom and so it maybe a good length. The content is cleverly animated and a nice story, something great if you don't want to use your brain for an hour or so.
Rating : 4/5
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