Lust, Murder, Dessert - Bon Appetit.
Wow, for a film that has had such a big deal made of it since its release 20 years ago I can see why people got all excited, or in my opinion freaked out! Something like this movie has never been done before and I do admire that part of it, but the actual plot seems a bit thin. Basically revolving around a thief who owns a posh and decadent restaurant where only the cream of the crop eat, his long suffering wife who finds relief in an affair with a lover and the cook who cooks the thief's meals while at the same time allowing the wife to enjoy her infidelity in secret.... Confused? I was too!I think this film really needs to be seen more than once, because there are so many tiny details that make a lot of sense that I have not noticed in a first viewing. You may think this film sounds a bit typical, maybe a bit of a predictable storyline, but wait until you see inside the restaurant, see the amazingly weird and mind-boggling costumes courtesy of Jean Paul Gaultier, hear the oddly haunting music, and see the final stomach-churning scene (seriously it will make you want to vomit) and you'll soon realise that this film is something else, the likes of which could only have been matched by a genius (or a very sick man!).
Review 3/5
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