We've seen the signs, now its happening.
Why oh why! I hear you scream when I start to review this movie. Surely I wasn't stupid enough to believe that Mark Wahlberg had suddenly become good at acting? Well actually it wasn't that, more that I love M. Night's work and had heard (wrongly) that this was an amazingly powerful and terrifying film. I cannot tell you how annoyed I am that I gave in and ended up watching this film. The acting was so dreadful that at times I felt like they were putting it on as part of some secret joke. Alas no, they are all just dreadful actors (John Leguizamo excluded, for he seemed the only mildly strong actor in the whole movie) especially Wahlberg's wimpering doe-eyed girlfriend, whose acting is so diabolical that I had to leave the room on more than one occasion or else would have done some serious damage to my computer screen. I cannot believe this film has been accepted so gracefully, have people lost the plot when it comes to watching a decent movie? Obviously acting is not a big deal anymore as long as you can remember your lines and run around a bit on the spot staring wide-eyed at the other actors like you're on cocaine. I'm very disappointed in this offering from this so-called talented director, especially the ridiculous ending. No more Mr M, please!!!
Rating 1.5/5
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