Sunday, December 30, 2012
Leaving Las Vegas - 1995 *
This is described as a romantic drama on Wikipedia. It certainly isn't romantic and it's more a mental disaster movie than a drama. Nicolas Cage gives a painful performance as a drunken waste of space who decides to go to Las Vegas to drink himself to death after he loses his wife and his job. Elisabeth Shue is the prostitute he meets and falls in love with who has her own problems too. Semi - autobiographical apparently. Bit disturbing and very depressing and bleak.
(NOIR) Impact - 1949 ****
Wow. For a relatively unknown film noir this was an excellent nail - biter. Brian Donlevy is brilliant as the spurned husband of suitably evil fatale Ella Raines. Desperate to get rid of her doting husband so that she can be with her lover, Raines plots for her lover to meet Donlevy and see that he has an accident in their car. However, things go very wrong when Raines' lover dies by mistake and Donlevy is left unconscious and battered. Raines believes that her husband is dead. Her husband has other ideas.
Really tense and interesting noir with a very original storyline. One worth watching.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Abduction - 2011 ***
Actually not a bad film, and despite the fact that Taylor Lautner was the main lead it was actually well acted. He was obviously put in the lead as a vehicle to get all the teenage girls to watch the film. I was disturbed by the size of Lily Collins' eyebrows though, they are giant. I'm not sure why everyone is slagging this film off because the story line is quite entertaining and full of suspense. Lautner was convincing as a student who discovers his own baby photo on a missing persons website whilst in the middle of a class project with his neighbour (Collins). It is then up to him to unravel the mystery and to work out who he can trust and who is his enemy. Maria Bello brings up the rear as Lautner's 'mother' in a mildly forgettable role.
A Free Soul - 1931 ***
What I like so much about Norma Shearer is that although she isn't one of the more attractive actresses of the 30s, she has this amazing quality that totally holds you throughout the film. The last film I saw with her as the main lead left me similarly impressed. She's a very talented actress and her plucky style is quite unique for a pre-code film. Clark Gable is suitably slimy as her love interest, and Leslie Howard is the comfort blanket that she keeps returning to when things get tough. Lionel Barrymore is also a highlight as her alcoholic father.
Twentieth Century - 1934 ***
I think Howard Hawks is an amazing director, but I can't say that this was one of the better comedies of the 1930s. Carole Lombard is ravishing with a quick wit (very like Jean Harlow) and John Barrymore has always been one of my favourite old - school actors, but I just felt there was something lacking in this film. It was a bit over the top and it didn't cause me to laugh nearly as much as 'Bringing Up Baby' or 'My Man Godfrey.' I guess the story was quite amusing and you get a snapshot of what it's like to be behind the scenes of the theatre but other than that it wouldn't be one I would rush to watch again.
Carole Lombard,
Howard Hawks,
John Barrymore,
romantic comedy,
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Cube - 1997 ****
For a film that I had barely heard anything about this was surprisingly good. My boyfriend said it wasn't brilliant but was quite interesting and I should see what I thought. I found it pretty intense and very captivating. A group of people find themselves trapped inside a cube in the middle of the night with no way of knowing how or why they are there. All they can do is attempt to work out what they all have in common with each other and how they can get out before they all go mad. Excellent character developments (except towards the end when it gets a bit silly). You can see where the director of Saw got ideas from.
Hot Shots - 1991 ***
Quite a funny spoof of 'Top Gun' and I always find Charlie Sheen amusing so this was a good way to pass some time. Maybe a bit dated now, but still worth a watch, and the slightly unhinged captain who keeps knocking in to things and using his finger as a telescope made me chuckle. Interesting as well to see Sheen and Cryer in a film together before going on to be in 'Two and a Half Men.' The beginning of a beautiful friendship.
(HORROR) The Sleeper - 2012 *
Oh dear. Another film that has a much better looking poster than it does the actual movie. A typical 80s slasher (except its 2012) ironically echoing in the 'Black Christmas' type vein of sorority girls being stalked by a masked killer. Original? Oh no. We apparently don't have such things as original horror films anymore so America churns out remakes of films that weren't even very good to start with.
(HORROR) Happy Birthday to Me - 1981 ***
I proudly thought that I had probably seen the main bulk of 80s slasher films but then realized I hadn't seen this one, and having been very disappointed by 'April Fools Day' I was putting it off for some time. This wasn't a bad horror, quite inventive, with some weird death scenes (which are always the most important thing for a horror fan) and cheesy moments. However, overall it wasn't one of the better horror movies I've seen.
Morning Glory - 1933 *
Oh dear. Time and time again I try to watch things with Katherine Hepburn in the hope that I will become a fan. So far the only film I have vaguely liked her in is 'Bringing Up Baby' but that was largely due to how hilarious Cary Grant was. I just find her completely over the top as an actress and totally egotistical. This story of a woman's rise to fame etc was very forgettable. If Adolphe Menjou hadn't been in this the film wouldn't have got any stars from me.
(HORROR) Confessions - 2010 *
I'm gradually losing all faith in Japanese horror, seeming to watch dull after boring after awful film with no storyline. To look at the premise of this film you would really think you were on to a good thing, but sadly it fails miserably and what follows is a rubbish mish-mash of pointless scenes. I might lay off the Tartan Asia for a while. It's wasting hours of my life. What used to be a wonderful novelty has now become a bit of a bore.
The Earrings of Madame De...1953 **** 1/2
Max Ophuls has a wonderful way of encapsulating a time period. I found it with 'Letter From an Unknown Woman' and I find the same with this glorious masterpiece. Such a simple story, yet so painfully and emotionally told, this had me on the edge of my seat more than a couple of times. I cared so much about the characters that I had built up quite a lot of empathy for them by the end. The story follows a Countess in late 19th Century Paris who, after acquiring serious debts, decides to sell a pair of her earrings, bought for her by her husband. She decides not to tell him and instead mentions that the earrings have been lost. This simple white lie ends up having disastrous consequences for her and the people closest to her. Max Ophuls in my opinion is a master director. Charles Boyer is also wonderful as the spurned, jealous Count.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Thank You For Smoking - 2005 *
For a film with such a good cast (oh and look, there's Katie Holmes again equally as riveting) this was a surprisingly bad film. A bit like 'I Heart Huckabees' which I hated, this was a mess of a film, with Aaron Eckhart trying to be everything he wasn't. He works for the tobacco industry and the whole film is based around him trying to make out that tobacco is good for the nation. He comes up with numbers and statistics to show that this is the case and even goes on talk shows head to head with Lung Cancer specialists etc, so confident is he that his choice is correct. In my opinion (as a non-smoker) a pointless and uninteresting film. Even smokers will be bored.
Teaching Mrs Tingle - 1999 *
Not a black comedy, as comedy implies that it's supposed to be funny. But it's not, and none of these people can act. Even sweet little Katie Holmes is ridiculously overcast in this bizarre film about revenge on a teacher by 3 students who all despise her. Helen Mirren shouldn't have lent herself to this shocker. It's hideously bad.
A Royal Affair - 2012 **** 1/2
What a sumptuous and indulgent film about someone who I'm ashamed to say I had never heard of until now - Caroline Mathilde, a British princess who gets married to her Danish cousin Christian who is mentally ill. A bit like Charles and Diana, and Lady Georgina, Caroline is desperately unhappy in the marriage, with her husband's bizarre moods, and feels spurned when he practically refuses to come to her bed chamber. Christian soon gets a new Royal Physician named Johann whom he trusts unconditionally. He soon becomes close to Caroline, sharing in her love of enlightenment literature and views of the peasants and they are before long embarking in a passionate affair leading to her becoming pregnant. The results for all are devastating.
Amazing film with a wonderfully talented cast. One of the best films of 2012 in my opinion.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Limitless - 2011 ****
First of all, I think the beginning shot that takes us on a mind-tripping journey at 100 mph through the streets of America really should be giving this film 5 stars on it's own. It's amazing. I couldn't quite understand believe what I was seeing.
Okay, so the premise for this film is that Bradley Cooper is a bit of a bum. A failed, uninspired writer who lives off his girlfriend until she can't take anymore and leaves him. He's already been married once but that barely lasted any time at all, and by the looks of things not being able to write means its impossible for him to cut or wash his hair. He looks a bit like a tramp. One day he bumps into his ex-wife's brother who suggests that to motivate him he can give him a special pill. Usually we only use 20% of our brain he says, and with this new pill you can access all of it. 100%. Intrigued he takes the pill when he gets home and is soon the intellectual equal or Einstein and Hawking put together. He knows everything, and anything he doesn't he can learn in barely no time at all. He is the life and soul of parties, meetings, events and everyone seems to want a piece of him. He even lands up being offered a fantastic job at a stock firm where his amazing talent for maths has him predicting how stocks will rise and fall before anyone else. Soon he needs more and more of these tablets, but like with any sort of drug, once you become addicted to them, getting off them is practically impossible. I thought this was a really well done movie, well put together, well executed and very well acted. However I would've liked a better ending, but the package overall was worth the watch.
Because I Said So - 2007 ***
This was a nice rom-com, although Mandy Moore is far too sickly sweet for me. Diane Keaton is always good in everything I have ever seen her in and I thought she looked surprisingly good for her age. She plays an overprotective mother who decides to kick-start her daughter Milly into a good, compatible relationship (for once) by placing an add online. She interviews a number of suitors before deciding on one whom she feels is fit for Milly and then sits back and watches the results. The problem is, very rarely do these things work out for the best, especially if you have an interfering parent in the background who won't let you go when push comes to shove.
One to watch, light, frothy and not taking itself too seriously.
Diane Keaton,
Mandy Moore,
romantic comedy
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Little Man - 2006 ****
I'm never disappointed by anything involving the Wayan brothers, and this was hilarious. I have no idea how they filmed it but it was worth whatever graphics they used because the results were scene after scene of very funny anecdotes, pained looks, and comic timing. Really good watch, a bit rude in some parts but let's face it, what funny films these days aren't, and I really enjoyed it.
Bachelor Party - 1984 **
I mean this was okay but it wasn't anything special. It wasn't even that funny which is a shame because being wintertime you really need something funny to cheer you up. Tom Hanks is just over the top with his stupid big hair and all the women look horrendous. This might be one of those rare times where I think that actually the newer bachelor party - related films are better...
Sunday, December 16, 2012
(HORROR) Madison County - 2012 *
OH.NO.NO.NO. This was dire. Awful. Stupid. UNSCARY. Nothing original whatsoever about a group of people on a trek to Madison County to research a serial killer and then getting picked off one by one by the same killer! I could hear myself explaining to the television what was going to happen 10 minutes before it did. No excuse for this.
Meeting Evil - 2012 **
Films like this annoy the hell out of me. They start off looking so promising and especially when you have a great actor like Samuel L. Jackson playing a lead part you don't really imagine that he would lend himself to a bad role. Luke Wilson looks like he has aged ridiculously for his part and has a constant dazed look on his face compared to S.L.J's manic eyeballs. After having an argument with his wife, Wilson hears a knock at the door and is confronted by a sinister man named Ritchie who appears to have run out of gas. Actually he is there to trick Wilson into getting in the car with him and setting out on a crazy killing spree. It seems to be going the right way and you start thinking about all the symbolism that could be merged into the scenes but then it completely does a u- turn and you realize actually that it's not going anywhere at all.
(NOIR) Yield to the Night - 1956 ****
'Yield to the Night' in my opinion is highly superior to 'I Want to Live' with Susan Hayward. Both are based on the same sort of thing, although the similarity between this story and Ruth Ellis's case of a couple of years later is pretty disturbing. The only difference seems to be that Dors' character kills a woman instead of a lover but the emotions, and Dors' pent-up jealousy explode in the same way. Excellent performance from her actually, much more gripping and exciting compared to her performance in 'Tread Softly, Stranger' which was somewhat wooden in comparison.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
(HORROR) And Soon the Darkness - 2010 **
When is America going to stop remaking films that are really good enough to start with and changing everything that made them 'originals'? This had none of the creepy atmosphere that the original did, and what was a good, solid, frightening low budget movie has been turned into some sort of bikini - clad girl fest. What a totally utter surprise. Not worth watching. Watch the 1970s film.
Weekend At Bernie's - 1989 *****
Remember that episode of 'Friends' when Rachel is asked what her mates think her favorite film is and she says 'Dangerous Liaisons', and then when they ask he what a real favorite film is she smirks and says 'Weekend at Bernie's' because it's thought of as a naughty pleasure? Well i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I think this is one of the funniest films I have seen in AGES and I had a number of seriously uncontrollable laughing fits throughout.
Two guys are invited to Bernie their boss's house in Hampton Island for the weekend. They believe they are going because he is pleased with their work, he in fact wants to kills them because they have unearthed a serious mistake in his financial documents. However he is not aware that a mafia boss is actually out to kill HIM and so starts a chain of hysterically funny events where the 2 guys, after finding him dead, have to pretend that Bernie is alive in every situation possible so as not to arouse suspicion, much to the confusion of the hit man who was sure he had killed him! It's just brilliant, and very original. I'm going to track down the sequel.
(NOIR) My Name is Julia Ross - 1945 **1/2
This was one of those noir films that made me wonder why the director had tried to cram what could of been a full length story into just over an hour's worth of screen time. Julia Ross applies for a job working as a live-in secretary for a widow in a large, old house in Cornwall. The agent tells her she must move in that night, but when she awakes the next day all her things have disappeared and the members of the house are referring to her by another name. Despite the fact she knows exactly who she is the family try to convince her that she is the widow's daughter in law and is suffering from a nervous breakdown. She is trapped with no way out.
Not a bad film, but the ending doesn't really tie up all the loose ends that have been flailing around throughout the movie.
Not a bad film, but the ending doesn't really tie up all the loose ends that have been flailing around throughout the movie.
Monday, December 10, 2012
(HORROR) The Caller - 2011 **
Oh dear god not another awful horror movie where there are so many plot holes and stories wound up in stories that you'll get dizzy. Mary moves into a new apartment (although it has a very weird old phone and disgusting green wallpaper) which seems to only have one dim light throughout and is haunted by constant calls from a mysterious woman called Rose who seems to know a lot about Mary and her past. It's all very confusing and weird and I didn't much take to it.
Sunday, December 09, 2012
(HORROR) Husk - 2011 *
For goodness sake!! Why do directors continue to make horror consisting of such rubbish?! We are now reduced to watching a 'scary' film about a deadly scarecrow with a bag over his head. Such Fun. And not scary at all. I was under the impression horror was supposed to at least freak you out a bit? But oh no. And that girl who used to be in Home and Away has prime casting here. She must be so proud.
The actors all seem moronic, and I'm the most moronic of all for actually sitting down and watching this until the end.
(HORROR) Red, White and Blue - 2011 *
Will I ever watch a good horror film again? Will a director ever come up with an original yet creepy story that will leave me frightened to go anywhere in the dark?! Obviously not here, because this was one of those 'revenge' thrillers that actually had nothing going on for it whatsoever. The lead actress was infuriating, the story was slow, unimaginative and dull, and the acting...? Well you could of put another few people from Hollyoaks in the movie (see the latest Wrong Turn) and it would have been better received. Simon Rumley really should go back to whatever job he had before he started to make films.
Murder with Pictures - 1936 ****
Oh Yes! This is the type of movie I needed after this weekend to cheer me up. Ironically the 2 films I have enjoyed the most have both starred Lewis Ayres. Ayres (again) this time plays a good guy (for a change) who is caught up in the middle of a murder investigation after someone is killed at a gathering of reporters and photographers. It's actually a really good story despite the sadly dire quality of the film (I do wish more of these less well-known classic movies would be digitally remastered) and I was pretty keen to find the culprit. Lew Ayres was excellent, and I think this is the start of my researching into his filmography for much more of his work.
(HORROR) Crawl - 2011 ***
I'm giving this film 3 stars because of how well it started off, not because of how badly it ended. I liked the build up of the tension (including the creepy scene involving the lead girl at home alone waiting for her boyfriend to return) and the strange Croatian man who arrives at the small town to 'do someone in' but apart from that the plot was too fluid for my liking. The tension was in dribs and drabs and not consistent.
Class of 1984 - 1982 *
Dear God what a ridiculous and hideous movie. How could something like this be made?? I thought sequels of horror films were bad, but this was on a whole new level of dire. I'm hoping against hope that the Mark Lester who directed this isn't the same one who played Oliver Twist in the musical?!
Pupil/teacher revolution is always a difficult subject to cross, and I'm sorry to say that this failed miserably. Too 'punk era' for me. Look out for a very young Michael J Fox.
(HORROR) The Theatre Bizarre - 2011 ***
This was ironically one of those films which feels like a nightmare on continuous loop. The film is split up into 6 segments that are told by a terrifying puppet to a young girl who stumbles into what looks like an old and abandoned theatre.
I would say 3 out of the six shorts are suitably weird, bizarre and creepy. The other 3 are just horrible excuses for pointless 'artistic' gore. I like how each segment is directed by an individual director. I will probably watch this again after a suitable cooling off period because right now I'm a bit too disturbed by it all.
The Doorway to Hell - 1930 ****
Those were the days. The days when Lewis Ayres was one of the 'top' gangsters in Warner Bros. The days when James Cagney really did look like he was wearing too much eye-liner. The days when every single object, person, place was perfectly glamourous. 'The Doorway to Hell' is really a film to rival 'Public Enemy' and 'Little Caesar.' Ayres and Cagney play the heads of a gang who are intent on keeping the peace between others in the Chicago area. Before long, Ayres decides to retire on his wealth and move to the country with his new wife Doris. However Cagney cannot cope on his own and is soon trying to persuade Ayres to come back..
For an unknown I enjoyed it immensely. Wonderful snapshot.
(HORROR) Wrong Turn : Bloodlines - 2012 **
You should really know what to expect after watching all the other 'Wrong Turns' and thinking they were all rubbish except for the first. This was worse than rubbish. Worse than being forced to watch Justin Bieber in concert in the front row. I was a mish-mash of hideous. And what on earth was that girl who used to be on Hollyoaks doing in an AMERICAN horror film? So many inconsistencies here. What a surprise.
Breaking and Entering - 2006 ****
In comparison to the other films I've seen recently this was a stark contrast. A brilliant journey into the lives of a group of people lead by Jude Law whose lives are turned upside down after a number of break-ins at Law's business. We are shown both sides of the situation - how it affects Law's family and the teenagers responsible for the burglaries.
I was surprised actually at how good Jude Law was in this, proof that he can actually act instead of just standing there trying to look 'pretty.'
Anthony Minghella on top form.
Chromophobia - 2005 **
One of those awfully bleak films where everything is going wrong for all the main characters and you don't know whether to feel sorry for them or to despise them for the ridicculous choices they make. Kristen Scott Thomas acts like she's utterly deranged and Penelope Cruz is a deeply unpleasant human being. I liked the soundtrack (The Thieving Magpie in particular) but I can't find anything credible about this movie. In short, one of those films where you finish watching it and find yourself in the slough of despond.
An Experiment in Terror - 1962 *** 1/2
I'd never heard of this film but was researching movies with Glenn Ford and this popped up. Well after a somewhat shakey start the pace of the film caught up drastically as Lee Remick is chased by a lisped intruder who wants her to steal money from her bank and will not take no for an answer. Actually a surprisingly scary film, and I loved the general shots as Remick walks around the busy streets. Glenn Ford is a reassuring presence.
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - 1998 ****
I was told by my boyfriend that if I wanted to watch a 'good' film it should really be this one, and as I had recently been tied down and forced to watch 'Layer Cake' I wasn't holding out too much hope.
Yes, I have to say I was impressed and actually really enjoyed it. The cast was great, one of those films where you can spend nearly the entire time picking people out and saying 'I recognise that person from so and so', the story was complicated by gritty, and in parts downright funny (as only Guy Ritchie knows how) and there were some hilarious quotes to top it off. I can't decided whether I prefer this over 'Snatch' because I found Brad Pitt extremely amusing doing his pikey impression but that was only for a small part of the film whereas 'Lock Stock' was consistantly more funny throughout. Vinnie Jones is a highlight though of course.
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
(HORROR) ATM - 2011 ***
I was actually very impressed by this movie. And the only thing which really spoilt it for me was the ending. I am trying to hard when I watch horror films to suspend my disbelief because otherwise I would be slagging off practically every one that I watch. So I was happily suspending my disbelief with this one and generally having a good time being scared out my wits. And then the ending came about and I was left.. well.. pretty disappointed. When I read the synopsis for the film I thought, 'how on earth will this work? Surely they can't have a whole film based around an ATM machine??' But they can! And it was gripping, taut and downright freaky.
The ending ruined it, and it doesn't make any sense.
Sunday, December 02, 2012
I'll Be Seeing You - 1944 **
'I'll Be Seeing You' is a nice film, but it's nothing special and although Joseph Cotten is one of my favourite actors even he couldn't make this film stand out. Ginger Rogers plays a woman on release from jail who meets Joseph Cotten, a soldier suffering from shell-shock and falls in love. Neither can stand to tell the other their secrets leading to an emotional climax. Forgettable. (I do love the theme tune though).
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Unknown - 2011 ***
There's always a sense of wonder with these types of films about whether the conclusion is going to be nearly as good as everything else leads up to. Another being 'So Long at the Fair' which I happen to think is a brilliantly constructed movie with a very plausible ending. This however was not. It started off weirdly, did the whole 'suddenly no one recognises him,even his own wife. Why is that?' thing and then went off on a ridiculous ramble of pointlessness until the last few scenes which confused the hell out of me.
Liam Neeson is a wonderful actor but even he couldn't save this mish-mash of plot holes and hopeless, stupid explanations over something that turned out to be a complete waste of time.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
(NOIR) Quicksand - 1950 ***
For a relatively unknown noir this was quite gripping. The only negative was Mickey Rooney and his annoying face. I liked the storyline however and the tension mounted slowly and then suddenly threw itself in the audience's face in one fell swoop. Jeanne Cagney was suitably nasty and manipulative as the femme fatale and really stole the film for me. I suppose in a way Mickey Roney suited the wimpish part he played but I would really have liked to see someone else in the role.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Layer Cake - 2004 ***
'Layer Cake' is one of those films where the die-hard gangster fans go on and on about how you need to watch it a number of times before you can 'understand how complex' it is. In the same vein as 'Lock Stock' and 'Snatch'. Well I haven't seen 'Lock Stock' and I had no difficulty in understanding AND enjoying 'Snatch' on the first time around, so I'm not sure why this would be any different. 'Layer Cake' has a good cast (except for Daniel Craig who I'm sorry will NEVER be a good leading man *All 'Skyfall' fans jump on me in anger*) but still there seems to be something missing here. The humour, the plot and even the acting is a bit ridiculous. I wanted to see this to be able to say I'd seen it, but I really can't see what all the fuss is about with regards to Matthew Vaughan's direction, it's nothing special. Gangster-comedy-drama rarely works, and it didn't here.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
(NOIR) Payroll - 1961 *
I can't say there was anything credible about this movie, and I certainly didn't enjoy myself sitting through it. I found the whole thing ridiculous, over the top, and to top it off just badly acted. Billie Whitelaw and Francoise Prevost were two especially irritating leads who made me want to switch off everytime they sauntered into the scenes. The movie is not a noir, not a revenge or a heist movie, it's just pretty awful. And I wasn't even entranced by the 1960s shots of London. It was a blasted relief to get through this and to be honest I think I would've had more fun watching a 90s horror movie.
Sunshine Cleaning - 2009 ***
Let's get one thing straight. Amy Adams is never going to be on my top list of favourite actresses. In fact, I find pretty much everything she is in infuriating to the extreme. What nailed this film for me was Emily Blunt who IS one of my top actresses. She is funny, raw, gritty and natural and I think if she hadn't been in this film it would have been a bit of a disaster. The story is a bit bizarre - 2 sisters start up their own cleaning company which specialises in cleaning up crime scenes of recently deceased people. Throughout the various jobs they learn about themselves, their relationship and their family.
One of those films a bit like 'Little Miss Sunshine' where the audience goes on a mental journey with the characters. Worth one watch.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Jack and Jill - 2011 **
Some actors work well in duplicate or multiple parts (Alec Guinness in 'Kind Hearts and Coronets', Eddie Murphy in 'Big Momma's House') but others crash and burn miserably. Adam Sandler is a funny guy, and usually guaranteed to raise a smile from me, but in this awful excuse for a black comedy (more black and less comedy) he couldn't even accomplish that. Dressing as his twin sister Jill was a dreadful idea as she comes across like something out of a bad nightmare, and he couldn't keep the movie comic even when he was playing the twin brother. Even Al Pacino couldn't save this film.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
(HORROR) Exhibit A - 2010 ***
This was a deeply disturbing film. Not gory, but very weird showing the gradual breakdown of a family as the father gets more and more stressed with money and the mortage of the family home. The last twenty minutes or so are awful, mostly because we have been given time to watch this family grow together during the beginning of the film and have developed some sort of empathy for them. Disturbing series of events and not following the typical 'found footage' range of movies that have been churned out over the last few years.
Horrible Bosses - 2011 ****
I was surprised by this film. Because actually it was really funny and very original compared to the majority of American comedy out at the moment. Three down-trodden employees with horrendous bosses all plan to murder each others so that they cannot be traced. But of course these things never go according to plan, especially when one of the bosses is a complete psychopath.
Jennifer Aniston was a stand-out performance here, I barely recognised her at the beginning. One worth watching.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Martha Marcy May Marlene - 2011 **
I had been wanting to watch this movie for ages. I love things about cults added to which it had been nominated for various awards. What could possibly go wrong? Well, pretty much the whole movie that's what. Elizabeth Olsen isn't a good actress, (following in suit with her two sisters I assume) and so having to focus on her for the entire movie as she painstakingly dragged herself through each scene was rather like watching paint dry. I suppose she did portray a post-cult member rather well, doing inappropriate things like swimming naked, wetting herself after having nightmares and walking into her sister's room in the middle of the night when her sister is having sex with her husband.
Not a brilliant movie, with a totally ambiguous ending which ruined it even more.
(HORROR) Rosewood Lane - 2011 **

This was a dreadful horror film. Having just recently seen 'Sinister' at the cinema I had come to terms with the fact that I could still be scared by a movie and so was expecting something along those lines with this. But it was dire, and Rose McGowan's lips looked as though they were going to overpower her whole head. Her acting was awful (not a patch on 'Planet Terror') but not as bad as the actor playing the paperboy who seemed to have graduated from the school of wooden and monotonous performing. He also has these very weird black eyes with no iris in the centre which seem to creep out the rest of the characters no end which is rather amusing.
Waste of time. 2 thumbs down, way way down.
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