Thursday, March 01, 2012

Twisted Nerve - 1969 *****

'Twisted Nerve' in my opinion is a superb film. It is taut, gripping, full of jumps and terrifyingly psychological. After spending so long watching Hayley Mills in her earlier films she was completely unrecognizable as the joint lead in this.

Hywel Bennett plays a young man named Martin who is treated like a child by his mother and ignored by his father. The couple have another son but he is a mongoloid and therefore in a mental institution, (the film makes a big deal at the beginning to reassure viewers that people do not think of mongoloids as insane, it is just for the purpose of the movie). The mother is terrified that Martin will become 'weird' like his brother, and therefore pampers and mothers him to the extent where he retreats into a childish world where he names himself 'Georgie', plays with his toys and speaking like someone with a bit of a problem. The irony! In reality, Martin is an intelligent and manipulative person, who becomes obsessed by Susan (Mills) after she gets him out of a shoplifting scrape and goes to great extremes trying to track her down. When he finally does, it is at her home which she shares with her mother (Billie Whitelaw) and a number of lodgers. Adopting his 'Georgie', Martin hopes to worm his way into her affections, and nothing will stop him...

A brilliant film to see at night with the lights off. The most terrifying thing is Martin's mind which has no limits or boundaries, no matter who ends up hurt.

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