Sunday, December 09, 2012

The Doorway to Hell - 1930 ****

Those were the days. The days when Lewis Ayres was one of the 'top' gangsters in Warner Bros. The days when James Cagney really did look like he was wearing too much eye-liner. The days when every single object, person, place was perfectly glamourous. 'The Doorway to Hell' is really a film to rival 'Public Enemy' and 'Little Caesar.' Ayres and Cagney play the heads of a gang who are intent on keeping the peace between others in the Chicago area. Before long, Ayres decides to retire on his wealth and move to the country with his new wife Doris. However Cagney cannot cope on his own and is soon trying to persuade Ayres to come back..
For an unknown I enjoyed it immensely. Wonderful snapshot.

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