Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Carrie - 2013 **

I can't say the original film is one of my favourites, but it still had a certain quality that was utterly absent here. The main star was captivating as Carrie, but nowhere near as perfect for the part as Sissy Spacek was. The film is supposed to include a religious and psychotic mother who constantly grinds Carrie into the ground, but this didn't seem to be present here. Julianne Moore was moderately harsh and unkind, but no way near on the same level as Piper Laurie. I thought it was important for the mother to be unhinged so that it enhances Carrie's pent up angst and aggression but it wasn't to be here.
Certain scenes were good, but nothing topped the original shower scene or the prom one. Maybe too tame? Either way, it's best to see the original and maybe watch this only if nothing else is available.

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