Friday, January 07, 2011

The Killing of Sister George - 1968 * * *

Forgive me for being naive but I had no idea that this was the first breakthrough lesbian film to ever make it out on general release! The plot seemed a bit muddled to me but I still decided it was worth while seeing. Beryl Reid is brilliant as June, the man hating and alcoholic sadistic who portrays the loveable Sister George on screen and who lives in a London flat with her lover 'Childie' ( what a disturbing name for a partner) played excellently by Susannha York. June's real character is disgusting, unable to let Childie have a life or have any male aquaintances without flinging drunken accusations at her. Her overbearing paranoia and disgusting behaviour soon drive Childie away, into the arms of another woman, who just happens to be George's TV producer. Except for one graphic scene towards the end (which I'm sure is the reason that this film is papered over nowadays as seemingly unappropriate for 60s film) there isn't a huge amount happening here that could construe a truly shocking film. The relationship between Childie and June is hardly outwardly lesbian and therefore if you were coming in as a stranger to see this without knowing the background you wouldn't understand all the hype.
Worth a watch to say you've seen it, but not sure if my copy will not be better in a charity shop.

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