Monday, July 05, 2010

Unfaithful - 2002 * * *

Where do you go when you've gone too far?
The one thing that struck me about this film was how unsympathetic the characters were. The lead role ( played brilliantly and infuriatingly by Diane Lane) is a dreadful character! Her loving and supportive husband goes out everyday to work while she does whatever housewives claim they do all day except live off their husbands. To make matters worse not only is she spending his money but she then starts a fling with a totally random man she meets in the street on a windy day. DO NOT tell me this is some kind of metaphor for being 'thrown together' and the 'It just happened' crap that has become such a popular expression nowadays. Above all we are supposed to feel sorry for her when things start to go downhill and I urge anyone watching this movie to feel anything for her but annoyance. How totally degrading to be a man who is bringing home money to support your wife when she has decided to start seeing someone else because she has become 'bored'! Bored of what exactly? Bored of going to coffee shops and sitting around in an idle fashion? Try making your own money!
Brilliant acting ( for which I ahve awarded 3 stars) but as regards to the plot. Please.

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