This is not a love story. This is a story about love.
I went into this film barely knowing what to expect and came out really happy that I had seen something that wasn't a 'typical' hollywood rom-com. I don't think I would even call this movie a comedy. It's very dark in places and depicts a real life relationship very well. The story is told as a serious of flashbacks and scenes where we start at the end of the 500 days and work backwards, sometimes stopping to go forwards. We meet Tom, an intelligent yet shy man who falls head over heels in love with a new member of staff named Summer at his work and proceeds to go out of his way to try to win her over. The only problem is that Summer is not interested in a serious relationship and is not prepared to change her views now, she even makes the point that she doesn't believe in love much to Tom's bewilderment, but this doesn't change his feelings for her. Through the course of the film we see the ups, the downs and the cracks that begin to appear as Summer and Tom start to realise what they both want from the relationship. And it's not the same thing.
Brilliantly acted and so refreshing to see a 'real' relationship on screen. Recommended.