Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2012: Supernova - * *

The only thing that should have exploded was every actor on the set.
I found it very hard to review this movie. For one thing my partner and I sat down to watch it and after over an hour were starting to wonder why Woody Harrelson and team hadn't made an appearance. With horror we realised as the credits started to loom that we had been watching this movie instead of simply 2012. The Asylum company has produced nearly 200 rip-off movies of bad quality and awful acting and this was one of them. Nothing seems to happen in this movie. That bloke who was in Buffy runs around trying to save people and planets while his wife and daughter run around in the middle of the road trying not to get hit by flying cars and pieces of metal. There are a few people who you think are on his side and turn out evil but apparently that's just typical save-the world style movie-making. None of the actors look like they are particularly interested in what is going on and the lead character has a tendancy to run out from his hiding place without checking if the coast is clear when he hears familiar voices. Of course in the real world he would have been shot before he could open his mouth but yet again if you're in a movie about saving the world anything goes. Also the ending....What happened there? I'm not going to 'spoil' it (if thats even the right word) but you think to yourself ' how on earth could this possibly happen when we were so sure the other thing would happen, and in fact there is no way that the thing that happened could actually have happened in the realms of normality.' Obviously the director of the film totally lost the will to care about whether the scenes made any sense and I don't blame him, for while I was surprised at the ending I really didn't care two hoots about any of the characters and wished they'd all died at the beginning. This fake rip-off of 2012 hasn't put me off watching my original choice however which I am sure will be a lot better and have some proper acting to boot.

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