Sunday, February 28, 2010

Alone With Her - 2006 * * *

Anytime, Anywhere, He's watching.
I kept seeing this movie in my local DVD shop but never decided to buy it until recently. The synopsis of the story seemed pretty good so I gave it a shot. Some people may be put off by the fact that most of what we are seeing is from the crackly and sometimes distorted camcorder that is picking up every movement of the unsuspecting girl in her house.
This is a scary film, not for gore or bloodshed, but for the lengths someone will go to for their obsession with someone else.
Colin Hanks plays 'Doug', a shy loner who becomes obsessed with a young girl he sees walking her dog in the park. His interest however is not just friendly, for after secretly installing cameras in her house in every room he soon turns nasty towards the girl and her friend in such a terrifying way that it will seriously scare the viewer.
Both leads are played convincingly and overall the film comes together very well.

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