Tuesday, January 31, 2012

(HORROR) The Woman - 2011 ***

This was a really horrible movie. A man captures a feral-like woman in the woods and ties her up in his basement despite her obvious anger and distress. She can barely communicate with anyone which makes it a lot more hard to watch. He's a completely disgusting character, sexually abusive, intimidating, arrogant, violent to his family who all seem to have retreated into a shell-like existence. All except his son, who is developing the same traits as his father, and loving every minute of it. The woman is abused, mentally, physically and sexually by the father, and treated as a laughing stock and sex object by the men. The wife of the man is cowardly, whimpish, and doesn't flinch when he punches her about and pushes her around. The only one that seems to really relate to the feral woman is the young daughter, who when the time comes, is ready to dish out some of her own punishment. I guess this movie's title is ambiguous, because 'The Woman' could actually be any of the female characters. It's got a strong feminist vibe in my opinion with some gore and nausea thown in which is probably actually quite a good idea for a horror film, if the characters were anything other than thoroughly dislikeable.

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