Friday, April 01, 2011

It's Alive - 2008 **

I gather with a supposedly scary movie like this that we are supposed to 'read between the lines' and appreciate that a mother's love for a child is more important than anything etc and that if you make a bad choice about a pregancy it will haunt you forever?

This however is not even a scary film so I don't see why I should have to read between the lines. (*SPOILERS* We sort of understand why the baby is evil, because the mother tries to terminate the pregnancy early on with some dodgy pills she found on the internet which she takes with a huge glass of red wine (always a great idea to mix narcotics and back-street drugs together) and instead winds up mutating the baby and seemingly slightly cannibalistic. (I sort of feel more for the baby than the stupid woman). )Anyway!

A young woman gives birth and goes to live with her boyfriend in a secluded area, leaving behind her best friend and her course at college which she has given up to become a mum. At the hospital things happen, and then at home things happen too, and basically lots of people die, all in hilariously funny ways ( especially Jack Ellis from 'Bad Girls' sporting a ridiculous American accent) but I think the idea is that we are cower in terror. The mother appears either too stupid or too delusional to imagine that anything her baby is doing is wrong, despite the fact that she keeps finding it covered with blood and bodies lingering around outside the house. Apparently this means the baby is fragile and lovely and needs looking after...a bit like 'The Omen', but for toddlers instead. In the end I was fed up with the whining and pathetic mother, and the overaffectional father and just wanted everyone to die slow and painful deaths.

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