Thursday, April 07, 2011

Libeled Lady - 1936 **** 1/2

Can anyone think of a better foursome than Harlow, Powell, Loy and Tracy? I doubt it.

Libeled Lady is a humorous look at what happens when newspaper men print untruths in famous newspapers ( I'm sure that NEVER happens..).

Loy's character finds out that Tracy's newspaper has wrongly printed a story saying she broke up someone's marriage and now she wants to sue for libel.

Tracy manages to track down Powell who used to work for him and persuades him to help in stopping Loy sueing (including getting her on her own and working his magic...) Harlow is dragged into the middle of the mess and agrees to pose as Powell's wife, so that Loy and Powell can be 'caught' by Harlow, and the case hopefully dropped... Got all that???

It's really not that complicated though, and in fact it's jolly good fun, especially from William Powell, who enters into the 'arrangement' with gusto, enraging Harlow who actually wants to marry Tracy!

You can see the sparks flying for Harlow and Powell as they act (they were a couple at the time) and it's sad to see Harlow's health slowly disintegrating in front of our eyes (only one year later and she would be gone) but that doesn't stop the film being enjoyable, and Jack Conway couldn't have chosen 4 better actors to play the parts.

Look out for my favourite scene - Powell attempting to fish with Loy and her father, it has me in stitches!

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