Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Close Encounters of the Third Kind - 1977 ***

I can seriously see where Steven S got his ideas for ET from because the shapes of the aliens are identical, as well as the idea of a little child being scared to go outside because there is something out there ( done in a way which only SS can) but I have to say that not counting the fact that this is about 1 hour too short for a properly good sci-fi movie it's also very dated. Now I am the last person in the world to claim something is dated because it's not new, but there is a difference between a film being 'old' and 'dated' and this is definitely the second.
I really love the idea and wish there were more movies based around UFO encounters but that doesn't excuse how much nothing happens here. You get a really good beginning, a load of nothing that seems to go on for hours and then suddenly everything happens at the end in a flourish. I'm not saying the idea isn't good, I'm just saying that Spielberg doesn't seem to have a clue how to process his material in a coherent order, resulting in a mish-mash of ideas and people all at bizarre times. I really wanted to come away from this captivated by it's excellence but instead I just let out a huge sigh of relief and vowed to give my copy to charity. Give me the cute little alien ET anyday.

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