Monday, March 28, 2011

Kramer VS Kramer - 1979 ****

Kramer VS Kramer is one of those heart-wrenching movies that anyone who has had their parents divorce when they are young will relate to. Added to which it is brilliantly acted by Streep and Hoffman as the battling parents who are fighting over custody of their son.

Streep's character is a sorry excuse for a mother, and I had a hard time trying hard not to be personally angry at Meryl Streep herself for the character she had created. I then realised of course that Streep is just a wonderful actress who wants you to feel that way.

Both parents are in some way to blame for the downfall of the relationship, the mother for being too selfish and the father for being too wrapped up in his work, but I always sided with the father, who makes a lovely home for his son after being abandoned by his wife and forms a tight bond with him.

Children at that age nearly always imagine that they are to blame for their parent's separation but we are shown throughout this movie that it never is the case, and to most people who have always had doubts it is a very reassuring thing to hear.

Excellent film which despite the claims, has not dated at all.

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