Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Black Christmas - 1974

Throughout the house, a creature was stirring.

Finally getting to experience this film was a great treat for me. Critics have commented on it being dated now but I can honestly say it scared the living daylights out of me much more than the new version of the film made a couple of years ago. What makes it so scary is the fact that to look at it you wouldn't think that it would be. The whole layout, from the costumes to the sorority house wallpaper makes it strangely safe to watch, and I do stand up for it when I say it has a great build-up of suspense and some good acting. So what if it's a little cheesy and people don't wear flares like that anymore? It's still a good film, but the highlight for me is Olivia Hussey who I have studied for many months leading up to my dissertation on Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet and who does a good, substantial job of supporting her fellow cast-mates. She has all the makings of a great actress and I will be interested to watch some other films with her starring. Bob Clark appears to know how to direct a agood slasher flick and I give him credit for that. Black Christmas is credited as being one of the first proper 'slash and stab' movie although many people appear to have overlooked it and instead concentrate on the more famous 'Hallowen' made only a few years later. Do check out the 2006 film of the same name, which although slightly less scary is certainly worth a look.

Rating 4/5

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