Thursday, December 18, 2008

Octopus - 2000

There is no escape under the sea.

Anyone who has seen 'Jaws' will know the terror that an underwater creature can bring to an audience of excited people looking to be scared. However I didn't experience anything like the same amount of horror when I watched 'Octopus'. In fact it was more farcical than scare-tactic. As far as I could gather from the plot, a group of people spend a lot of time underwater in a submarine going nowhere rather fast. In fact this maybe something to do with the fact that they are transporting a known terrorist who has successfully blown up a major building in America and for some reason they choose to take him in their submarine (I suppose it is less destructive than taking a plane, although you can still take someone hostage whether in sea or sky so it's not exactly a clever concept). However, halfway through the trip, the inevitable happens, and the terrorist, complete with awfully phoney German accent, turns on the crew forcing them under gun-point. At roughly the same time a large octopus appears, ready to eat as many crew members as possible. There is no point in divulging anymore of this 'thrilling' sea story (mainly because that is about the jist of it) because I don't want to give everything away, but it maybe worth a look, simply for the humour factor which will have you behind your sofa, in hysterics.

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