This is a bit of an odd film, and I watched it, mistakenly thinking that it was set in the 1920s ( I think it's the early 50s in actual fact) which was a bit of a blow.
The film revolves around a man who, after being with his loving and devoted wife for a number of years, decides that in fact he has fallen for a blonde bimbo that he knows. Instead of being a man and telling his wife that the relationship is over he decides instead that poisoning her is 'kinder' and will save her all the heartache that his betrayal may otherwise bring.
(So we can already tell he's a selfish *****, particularly when his wife is so nice to him.)
His closest friend (played slimely by Pierce Brosnan) is a playboy who likes to bed a different woman every night. And as soon as he hears that his friend is in love with someone else, he decides to also chase after her to give himself a bit of a challenge.
Rachel McAdams plays the blonde woman who doesn't seem to be very interesting or particularly amusing, but hey, she's blonde so that's all that matters!
I know this was supposed to be a gentle comedy ( it's only rated PG) but I couldn't help being reminded of past incidents from the newspaper where men have decided to kill their wives instead of actually leaving them as though they think acting this way is acceptable. It's digusting to think that some men are so arrogant that they think their wife would rather be six feet under because of their husbands' betrayal than to make a new life for themselves with someone deserving of them.
(A case a couple of years ago in Shropshire reminds me of this, about a millionaire who, after going bankcrupt, murders his wife and daughter and then himself instead of being honest and telling them about his financial difficulties.
How dare he assume that because he was in difficulty it was better for his family to all die than to try and work through it, who made him god???! Maybe his wife may have been able to find someone else or his daughter might have had a good life anyway, but no, he didn't think like that, only of himself.)
Sorry for my rant, but that is what I was thinking about throughout this movie so it kind of spoilt it for me, and I certainly had no sympathy for this toad of a human being masquerading as a man. I wonder if I've become immune to senseless comedy?