Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hoodwinked - 2005 ****

I don't understand why this film was so badly slated on it's release. Sure it's not a Disney or a Pixar but it's still very funny, very unique and has some memorable characters.

We have a rather 'Rashomon' like story, involving a little girl named 'Red' who is arrested after turning up to visit her grandmother in the woods and finds herself face to face with a cocky and slightly arrogant wolf in a granny mask and a manic German woodcutter wielding an axe.

The police hear each story from each person and everyone has something different to say, leading to some hilarious scenes involving some most unsavoury characters.

I love the unique approach to the Red Riding Hood story, I'm surprised really that no one else has thought it up before hand, and the animation was good. I actually liked the fact that it incorporated other parts of famous animated films (one viewer commented on how annoying it was that the music sounded like it came from 'Shrek' which is precisely what I liked about it!)

and that the director wasn't scared to copy ideas whilst keeping it individual and fresh.

A good, funny and totally underrated film.

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