Friday, June 03, 2011

The Shop Around the Corner - 1940 ****

I should have known that a film like 'You've Got Mail' would have been based on a classic film. Strangely I had no idea that it was this one!

But I love exploring new classic movies so this was right up my street.

Stewart is his usual 'good-guy' self with a slightly kooky attitude (which we all know and love him for) and stars as a clerk in a grocery store in Budapest ( don't ask me why it's set there as there seem to be a huge amount of Americans in the same place) who starts a friendly correspondence with a mystery girl where they both discuss literature and cultural ideals without knowing who the other is.

Around the same time a young girl convinces the manager of the store to let her take up employment there and starts to get severely on Jimmy Stewart's nerves and visa versa. But, you've guessed it, unknown to him (of course) it's the same girl from the correspondence and neither of them can stand each other!

You know what's going to happen because you've either seen the remake or you just know about old films in general but suffice it to say this is a pretty decent attempt at a nice classic comedy.

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